현재 위치 - 중국오락넷 - 오락 100% - 번거로우시겠지만 영어제는 아래 글자를 영어로 번역하고, 언어는 간결함과 아름다움을 추구합니다. 감사합니다

번거로우시겠지만 영어제는 아래 글자를 영어로 번역하고, 언어는 간결함과 아름다움을 추구합니다. 감사합니다

[ 절대 오리지널, 비표절! ! 기계가 아닌 번역! ! ! ! ! ! ! 채택을 구하다 ]

가장 좋아하는 영화에 대해 질문을 받았을 때, 나는 주저하지 않고 그에게 말할 수 있다.

when asked about what movie I like best, there is no doubt, I will tell him infernal affairs.

이것은 주제곡처럼 홍콩 색채가 뛰어난 영화이다

this is a kind of move filled with hong kong legend.as is the same with the theme song: who has a good knowledge of living is often more Destiny, and just nobody gives up.

이것은 생존에 관한 이야기이고,' 생존' 이라는 주제인 것 같은데, 이런 틈틈이 생긴 시대에는 또 이렇게 날카롭다. This is a story about living, but it seems that the theme of the "living" is so acu leated in this period of epoch which is too narrow. <

when one is nearly reaching to his end point, he realizes that he comes back to jumping-off point again and then goes on his way .. Death is not the single meaning of going away or avoiding something any more, but a sigh of voice in enjoyment.really, he has no choice, For there are always some ways that a single person has to go alone

it will never be forgotten that helplessness all the time, crazy face and the eyes filled with screaming have finished showing the emote Maybe the person who face death will never show too much pain.however, people under the screen cry with sadness.

는 남자의 무력하고 무겁다 It is man's helplessness, and it is too heavy for them to burden, let alone standing it The infernal affairs consists of three key principles: no time, no space, no pains.

해방이 그들의 마지막 숙원이다. Going far away is their last wish.

그러나 해방의 결과, 지옥, 또는 천국.

however, after they getting away from that, they reach hell or paradise

the sky is large, bright and clean.only under this bluesky can the soul under too much pressure show its innocence.


they who have two different identities which do not belong to them almost lives in a circumstance likes a kind of hell which has no end. < 사람은 강약이 있고, 모든 싸움은 사람과 사람 사이의 충돌에서 비롯된다 ...

there is something right or wrong, and people strong or weak. and all conflict do come from people theep 모두가 갈등을 모으고, 모든 사람은 적을 가지고 있고, 모든 사람은 살아남고, 모든 사람은 죽일 수 있다. so every person has conflict, and enemy, and the desire to live up, And every person can also kill others.

최종 분석에서 모두들 조만간 같을 것이다. in a word, all people are about the same.

하지만 누가 적시에 정확하게 다른 사람의 생명을 통제할 수 있다면 비밀을 묻었습니다. 하워드, if someone can control others 'lives in time, That leads to a secret which means killing you equals to the death of the pre-coming.

누구나 비밀이 있고 아무도 비밀이 없다. 강력한 것은 사상이다. 연약함은 몸이다 ... whoever has secret or they do not has. what is strong is our mind, and what is weak is our body 누구도 총알을 이길 수 없다 ... no matter what you are, the big or the small, and the police or the spy, and no matter how smart you are if you dress up as a Gaga Or a policeman, no one can avoid a bullet.

당신이 누구이든, 죽든, 모두 총알이다 ... there is a kind of killing which equals to ever You will be dead if you were caught by a bullet.

내가 널 때리지 못하길 기도할 수 없어, 네가 먼저 나를 때리길 기도할 수 밖에 없어 ... you can not pray that I will not shoot you, Instead you can only pray that you will shoot me right first.

왜냐하면 당신의 행운은 나의 불행이기 때문이다 ... because what is your luck means I am unlucky 누구나 쏜다 ... in the dark world, whoever will pull his trigger ...

총알이 모든 비밀을 묻었다 ... and all the secret will be buried by one bullet 。

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